Passion Animation’s Kyra & Constantin have directed the Christmas spot for Austrian Banking group, Erste.

#EdgarsChristmas follows in the footsteps of Henry the Hedgehog (2018) and Hanna Bumblebee (2019), and tells the story of Edgar and Marie, an elderly man and a carer in a care home. Thanks to Marie’s kindness and persistence, Edgar reconnects to his passions and his past.


Agency: Jung von Matt/DONAU

Production: Passion Animation Studios (UK)

Directors: Kyra  Buschor & Constantin Paeplow

Animation Director: Ferran Casas, Kyra  Buschor & Constantin Paeplow

Executive Producer: Debbie Crosscup

Head of Production: Mike Turoff

Producer: Anna Cunnington

Production Assistant: Katie Harris

CG Coordinator: Sade Tah

Head of CG: Jason Nicholas

VFX Supervisor: Dave Walker

CG Supervisor:  David Watson


Music: Mcasso (UK)

Composer: Mike MacLennan for Mcasso

Sound Design: Tom Martin at Mcasso

Producer: Tom Martin at Mcasso

Assistant Producer: Emma Winton at Mcasso

Orchestra: Budapest Scoring Orchestra

Orchestral Mixer: Adam Miller at Air Studios

Additional Mixing: Richard Atkinson at Mcasso


Post Production: Unit Studios (UK)

Colourist: Denny Cooper

Producer: Joanna Papayianni

2D Artist: Richard Greenwood



Jon Creamer

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