An SDR version of an enigmatic HDR short film shot on the Panasonic Varicam using a full range of Fujinon HK cine-zooms (the precursors to the recent Premista range). The Red Coat is a very loose homage to Nicolas Roeg’s Don’t Look Now with Amsterdam substituting for Venice and Summer for Winter… and without Donald Sutherland or Julie Christie… or a dwarf with a cut-throat razor. But it does have a reflective bright red coat and chasing along the canals. The film was shot by the gifted Steve Lawes with Ben Margitich as first AC and graded by Matt Watson at X2X with DI by Michael Crusz. The brilliant edit was by Simon Smyth with Dan Gable building the soundscape from discordant musical elements by Justin Morey and Tom Pickles.

The film includes a wide range of high contrast lighting as well as shooting at night with little if any additional light sources. The reflective red coat was chosen to challenge the camera and lenses in changing and reflected light.

Pippa Considine

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